Vimeo Montage

Monday, January 14, 2013

Desktop Virtualization Solutions for Government

Desktop Virtualization Solutions for Government
Date: Tuesday, January 15, 2012
9 AM PT / 12 PM ET
Duration: 60 Minutes

In today's modern economy, Government agencies have had to expand their geographic reach and are faced with the need to access ever-increasing amounts of sensitive data from more and more locations. Remote workers and geographic sprawl drives higher support costs, as does managing and maintaining traditional PC-based architectures . Keeping PCs in conformance, is expensive and time consuming especially when in disparate locations.

To further complicate matters, modern technology has enabled an increasingly mobile workforce. Agencies are being asked to enable alternate devices, mobility, and telework, without compromising security. Yet, they are being asked to do more, while resources are shrinking. Based on these conflicting pressures, agencies are looking at all possible technologies to perform more efficiently and securely to provide access to the data and applications employees need regardless of location.

Does this sound like you? If so, come learn about how Dell, Dell Wyse, and their virtualization technology partners are helping address these challenges with desktop virtualization solutions specific to government.

This webcast will review:
  • Dell's vision and strategy for the next generation end user
  • Dell Wyse Cloud Client Computing portfolio and solutions
  • Validated desktop virtualization reference architectures unique to government
  • Security features and benefits of Dell's DVS-Gov product
  • Best practices and methodology for successful desktop virtualization implementation